Leverage free AI tools

Make more money in less time. A winning formula!

Tired of hearing about AI and not sure how it can actually help you? You're not alone. This FREE guide provides step-by-step instructions and word-for-word prompts so you can benefit from the latest tools to win more deals.

"Mike is a thought leader when it comes to selling and is on the cutting edge of using AI tools to save time and get more deals done".

-Bill Mrazek, Salesforce

Have you tried using ChatGPT and were underwhelmed with the results? The secret is in how you prompt.

Prompt engineering is key to getting great AI results, yet most don't realize quality prompts are crucial. This guide gives you proven prompts to build perfect sales messages, from emails to proposals and follow-ups, helping you save time, close more deals and make more money!

Learn the Strategies to Optimize Your Sales Messaging

Get ahead of the AI wave. Gain confidence and be seen as a thought leader when you utilize free AI tools to grow sales.

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